Created to keep in touch with family and friends.

Monday, September 15, 2008


We are in France and their keyboard is different so i knoz i zill make mistakes.
Avignon is bigger and busier than we thought it would be: our hotel apart,ent is charmingly old french: we will do lots of exploring
it is sooooo windy; it,s their windy "mistral wind" and the temp is about 60 something
scott will be staying an extra day because we are both goofy::::::::::::::::::::i kept accidently saying he would be in dublin until tues and he never checked his paperwork so he goyt a bit of a shock when they asked him when he would be out of the room::::::::::::::::he had gone to dublin a day earlier than ::::::::::::::::nevermind: long story and i cant type well:::::::::::
so we rebooked his flight ::good thing its airmiles for flexibility
sheila; we did see our moms house and we look forward to telling you some flaherty cousin stories also;
aunt bridie sends her love to you all we really spent lots of time with her and the family
we watched cd pics of mike and martines wedding and the families thailand adventue
okay:::hope all is well wirh everyone and i am off to find my sisters

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