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Tuesday, September 16, 2008


maureen here;it is so fantastic here:today we took a local bus to the little town of isle de la sourge:the ride was so scenic: we had a wonderful long relaxing lunch by the river; the town was a fishing village in the past and the story is that the river came from below the earth one day and just kept bringing forth a great abundance of fish:we bought a nice bourdeaux(judys pick) there along with some olives and grilled eggplant ,tomatoes;etc fresh fresh fresh:When we arrived back in avignon we stopped at a deli where the owner gave us ideas on how to use all fresh ingredients to whip up a quick tasty dinner:While i was at the counter judy waited outside: a lady came up to her and asked her if she spoke english:::her reply was "a little" whoo ... i have to get on her because she feels it necessary to tease me about the following: in every new place we visit i need to find the tourist information center and where i can find our wine and my postcards,judy also cooked us a wonderful pasta dinner this evening:tomorrow we are taking the bus to st remy and possibly arles:our apartment is dear and like it is out of some french movie:hello to everyone;


Sheila said...

Just want to comment on the "long relaxing lunch." Of course it was long, Annie was with you !

diddlle said...

Daisy says: I'd love to just "go to" lunch ... short or long!! eet all zounds zoh vunderful .... wish I were there! :)