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Monday, September 22, 2008

i really hate pigeons now

maureen reportng,pigeon did a full flying body slam into the right side of my head this am.judy and i climbed the 421? steps in giottis tower to be rewarded with a breathtaking view of was not crowded at all..the tuscan wine tour was so enjoyable.the van took us on about a 25 minute ride out of the city into lush vineyards and cypress groves.the first stop was a wine tasting at a castle originally owned by the Pozzi family (which means crazy in italian.)we then went on to lunch and another wine tasting at a smaller vineyard.Anna our guide is originally from placerville.another early train ride tomorrow into rome. i will miss florence,so much to see, so little tme.what a beautiful city.scott, thanks for the cicada clip.

1 comment:

Sheila said...

why didn't annie climb the steps?