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Friday, September 19, 2008

In the French Riviera

Today, the girls traveled to Nice, France on the French Riviera. They got in around 11 am and immediately headed out for a tour of the town. They decided to take a hop-on, hop-off bus to tour the town. As soon as they got on the bus, a downpour hit. They decided to stay on the bus for its entire loop around the city. At the end of the loop, the rain stopped and they continued on their way, touring around the town. They enjoyed it very much.

They had some trouble with their room. I didn't get all the details, but apparently the roof was leaking onto Maureen's bed and I think also in the bathroom. They're only there for 1 night, so they made the best of it.

Tomorrow, they are on their way by train to Florence. Along the way, they plan to get off in Pisa, check their bags in the train station locker room, visit the Leaning Tower, and get back on the train to their eventual bella citta...Firenze, Italia.

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