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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Last day in Avignon

Got up early and got picked up by our tour guide Jacque:
There was only one other person on the van with us so it was almost a private tour

First stop Pont du Gqurd:::::::::::::: the Roman aquqduct thqt looks like q beautiful bridge; it was built to bring water to Nimes:
Man, those romans know their architecture

Second stop was the town of Orange zhere there was an outdoor market going on
We toured the Theqtre Antique dOrange: An impressive theatre of the roman empire where they still perfor, opera:

Kinda weird touring all this roman stuff in france

Next was something mark will be jealous of:
After getting a kitchen demontration of a chocolatier making chocolate; we got to do a "workshop" of winetasting and chocolate tasting:::::::::::::it was fun:
Since we were in the Chateauneuf du Pape region we had some of that wine with several pieces of dark chocolate, on having ginger in it::::::::::::hated that, wanted to spit it out
We kept snitching the choco almond samples
Our last stop was the Popes summer home which was the actual remains of the "Chateauneuf du Pape"

Back to our apt for a quick lunch and off to explore more of Avignon
We walked through the grounds of the Popes Palace and then took a water taxi across th Rhone to check out the menu of a place that was recommended::::::too expensive so back on the boat and her we are in the internet cafe

tommorrow we are taking a 7am train to Nice where we will stay for the night

We plane to do our own extensive walking tour since we will just be there overnight

We have been doing our share of laughing

Sheila, not all toilets have seats and some are seriously just drains in the floor

Maureen actually used one

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