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Sunday, September 14, 2008

maureen o'b here.We are at the Birmingham airport having just left Aunt Bridie and clan.It was emotional for us to say goodbye to /aunt Bridie,She is so sweet, but unfortunately she is in a fragile state health wise....although her appetite is still good which seems to run in the family.Ok, now i don't know why, and don't nobaody be mean to me, but there seems to be a pattern emerging of all the places I stay the toilet backs up...whether or not it has something to back it up with.They had to change my room today because the toilet leaked all over the bathroomm floor.On to happier things, we are told that the sun started shining in Birmingham the moment we arried and it has been dry ever since.We have to get uo at 3:30am to check in at the airport at 4:30am tomorrow.It is fantastic that we can just walk across the street to the airport.I am a little nervous about France because I didn't bone up on my French.....before I go, you all must see the tourniquet they all gave us that was supposed to pass as underpants no crotch no nothing but it could not stretch far enough for me..cringe......bye for now,aaron i wouldn't mind hearing from you i emailed you the other day...

1 comment:

Mark said...

Now that was a mental picture I could've done without........Maureen & crotchless panties.